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 Vietnam Combat collection - A Long & Brutal War (2002) DVDRip

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Vietnam Combat collection - A Long & Brutal War (2002) DVDRip Empty
PostSubyek: Vietnam Combat collection - A Long & Brutal War (2002) DVDRip   Vietnam Combat collection - A Long & Brutal War (2002) DVDRip EmptySun Jul 10, 2011 7:18 pm

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The Vietnam War was the longest and most unpopular war the United States ever fought. America went to South Vietnam in 1955 with the goal of stopping the spread of communism in Southeast Asia but after two decades of violence suffering and controversy the long war finally ended with South Vietnam''s surrender. Vietnam was an intensely publicized war the first that came roaring into the living rooms of America every night. As U.S. casualties mounted the negative aspects of the war touched off a wave of protest that rocked the foundation of American society. Few who lived through this time will ever fget this period of drastic change especially the veterans of this long and brutal war.

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Vietnam Combat collection - A Long & Brutal War (2002) DVDRip
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